Let’s Get Moving in 2017

In my Goals Post for 2017 I shared that one of my goals for this year is to exercise for 30 minutes each day. Today I am going to share a bit more about the whys and hows of this goal.

Let’s get moving in 2017!!


Why this goal?

The number one reason I include exercise in my life and in my goals for this year is for my health. I want to be healthy. I want to take care of my body. When I take care of myself physically it positively affects many others areas of my life.

Options for exercise


The options for exercise are endless. I am choosing to share a few general options here.

  1. Join a gym. I have not been a part of a gym since my college years, but it was a good fit for me then. A gym can be a great option for someone who is motivated by having to get up and get out of the house to exercise.
  2. Classes. Classes are a great way to try something new. Most recently I took a class at a fitness center, and I had so much fun challenging myself by working out in a small group setting.
  3. Outside. Getting outside for movement is a great option for exercise. You can walk, hike, bike or run. The movement plus the fresh air results in a refreshing workout.
  4. At home. It is possible to work out at home. If you have a basement or spare room with exercise equipment working out in that space is obviously a great option. I don’t have room for large equipment in my home, so I choose to use DVDs or online workouts to “get my sweat on” at home.

Ways to stay motivated

Let’s be honest, we can get all pumped up to exercise and be fit, and then life happens. We can quickly lose motivation, so I wanted to share some simple ways to stay motivated.

  1. Write down your goals. Write down your goals in a notebook or a journal. Writing them down makes it “official”, if you will. Then you can add your exercise task to your calendar. Check it off as you complete it each day, and stay motivated to continue down the healthy path.
  2. Work out with a friend. I took an exercise class with a friend this fall. I try to walk with my mom once a week. If you know someone is expecting you to join them for a work out, you are far less likely to skip it.
  3. Change up your work out. One day you can take a class. The next day you might go for a long walk. Later in the week you might run with a friend. Changing what you do helps keep the task from feeling stale.
  4. Don’t change up your work out. For some changing up what you do will be the motivating factor, but for others, if you don’t change it up (but instead keep it the same), you will find more success. Keeping it the same keeps it simple, and for some that’s just what is needed to stay motivated to exercise each day.
  5. Listen to music or podcasts. I love to listen to podcasts. I am also a big music fan, but I like to listen and learn while I work out, so that’s why I choose podcasts over music. Whatever you choose, listening to something while exercising takes your mind off the hard work and helps the time pass quickly and enjoyably.

A few of my favorite podcasts:

The Simple Show, http://theartofsimple.net/thepodcast/

Sorta Awesome, http://www.sortaawesomeshow.com/

The Dave Ramsey Show, http://www.daveramsey.com/show/home/

Final word of encouragement

Don’t be discouraged!

Oh, boy, is it easy to get discouraged. You miss a day or 2 of exercise, or a week…or even a month, and you think, “What’s the point?”. Please, don’t get discouraged! Throw on your shoes that next day and give it a go. Don’t beat yourself up over yesterday or the past few months. Look forward and keep moving!

What about you? How are you going to get moving in 2017? Leave a comment sharing some of the ways you move for exercise!

Until next time,


Why I Set Goals Each Year + 2 of My Goals for 2017

A New Year, A New Not So Busy You




Welcome! I am so glad you are here! I'm Charissa, the Not So Busy Mom, wife and mother of 3. Join me as we pursue a full life without the busy.

Author: Charissa

Welcome! I am so glad you are here! I'm Charissa, the Not So Busy Mom, wife and mother of 3. Join me as we pursue a full life without the busy.

9 thoughts on “Let’s Get Moving in 2017”

  1. Thank you for this post! I have rheumatoid arthritis and make A LOT of excuses of why I can’t exercise. This year I have promised myself I will get stronger, run again, and tell RA to take a hike…so I can hike! Ha!! This is inspiring πŸ˜‰

    1. Yes, Vicki! It’s true. I experienced that just this week when I was sick with the stomach bug for many days. It’s hard not to get discouraged and defeated. Moving beyond that and moving forward is key!!

  2. Don’t be discouraged is THE BEST piece of advice! Also? Once I convince myself to work out first thing in the morning, I realize it’s the best thing I’ve done all day. Sets my mood for the whole day!

    1. Yes, Rachel, it does set the mood, you’re right. πŸ™‚ I also find that I never regret taking the time to work out, so it’s important for me to keep that in mind when I am tempted to skip out on exercising.

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