5 Ways to Encourage a Friend



Is there a friend in your life who could use a little (or a lot) of encouragement? Life is full of ups and downs, highs and lows. Sometimes it’s easy to be a friend through the ups and the highs, but we might struggle to reach out through the downs and the lows. Do you have a friend who is hurting? grieving? struggling? Maybe you have a friend who is overwhelmed with a toddler and a new baby. Perhaps you have a friend who is discouraged by a recent setback. Whatever the circumstance, find a way to encourage your friend. Need an idea or two?

Today I am sharing 5 ways to encourage a friend.

Text (or call).

I’m sure you know your friend well enough to know if a text or a call is most convenient for them. A friend with many young children probably appreciates a text message. A single friend who just had surgery might prefer a call. Whether you choose to text or call doesn’t really matter. Taking the time to send a message of encouragement is what’s really important. Text them a joke. Write out a prayer. Call and be a listening ear. The moment you feel prompted to send a text or make a call, do it. Your friend (and you) will be happy you did!

Send a note.

I know, I know, a note??  Isn’t that so much work and didn’t I just say you could call or text. Yes, a text or a call are great options. A note or letter is the unexpected choice. How fun to receive mail that isn’t a bill or an advertisement! Run to your nearest Dollar Tree and buy a pack of beautiful note cards for (suprise!) a dollar and send your friend a word of encouragement. Notes and letters don’t have to be a thing of the past. Encourage a friend this week with a simple but meaningful note.

Make a meal.

Making dinner tonight? Why not make a double batch and drop the extras at your friend’s home? The meal does not have to be extravagant or expensive. Keep it simple. You might even choose to order a pizza or some other take-out option. If making a meal doesn’t work, consider baking cookies or muffins. Bringing a food item or meal to a friend lets them know you are thinking of them in a very practical way.

Give a gift.

A small gift given at a time other than a birthday or celebration is a great way to encourage a friend. A small plant, a favorite magazine, a fragrant candle or  even a cup of coffee from the local cafe are just a few simple gift ideas. If a friend is sick with a cold you could put together a little “get well” basket with items like tissues, cough drops and chapstick. A small, thoughtful gift can quickly brighten the day!


Encourage a friend with time, specifically your time. You might be tempted to say, “I’m just too busy!”, but I won’t allow you to say that. Just kidding! You can say that, but I would encourage you to make space in your day and week for a friend. Giving of our time and energy is a sacrifice, but it’s a beautiful act of love. Make time for a friend this week, and see what it does for her (and you).

I hope that something on this list inspires you to be an encouraging friend. It’s something I want to work on in my own life. I want to be an encourager. I want to push aside the busy and see my friends, be there for my friends, encourage my friends. Let’s all make a little time to encourage a friend today!

What about you? How do you encourage your friends? How have you been encouraged?

Until next time,


Welcome! I am so glad you are here! I'm Charissa, the Not So Busy Mom, wife and mother of 3. Join me as we pursue a full life without the busy.

Author: Charissa

Welcome! I am so glad you are here! I'm Charissa, the Not So Busy Mom, wife and mother of 3. Join me as we pursue a full life without the busy.

31 thoughts on “5 Ways to Encourage a Friend”

  1. Yes!! Love these tips – we can get so busy in our lives that we need our friends! I love the idea of sending a note instead of a text. So important to remember!

  2. Those are wonderful ways to encourage friends. A nice note is so personal and touching, people of all ages can still appreciate those! A text to let someone know you’re thinking of them is great too when they’re going through a difficult time. I agree we should know our friends or at least take into consideration their situations to know whether a text or call is best.

  3. I love getting notes in the mail, I’ll have to remember to do this more often. My favorite way to encourage a friend is to bring them a meal like you mentioned. As a busy momma myself, I know those days where things just aren’t going right are made so much better when my hubby comes home and cooks for me.

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