What I Keep in the Cosmetic Bag in My Glove Box

What I Keep in the Cosmetic Bag in myGlove Box-1

(This post contains affiliate links, so thenotsobusymom receives a very small commission if you make a purchase through the links.)

Have you ever left your house, been a few minutes down the road, and realized you forgot to put on deodorant?

Have you ever left your house, arrived at your destination, and realized you never brushed your teeth?

No? Oh, right, neither have I.

Okay, not true. I have forgotten to do many important things, and I often realize it when it’s too late. Because in the midst of getting 3 kids out the door and trying to put myself together, I sometimes forget things.

It was because of these various “Oh, no!” moments that I chose to create a little “emergency kit” of sorts for the glove box of my car.


I could keep these emergency items in my purse, but right now I am enjoying my medium-sized crossbody bag. I don’t want to add more bulk to my purse or buy a larger one at this point. Having a cosmetic bag that remains in the glove box of my van seems like the perfect solution for the time being.

The Contents



*hair tie

*bobby pin

*Wisp (mini-toothbrushes)


*cotton swabs

I picked up the super cute bag that contains all these items at the Dollar Tree. (I know you’re surprised.)

What I Want to Add to My Bag

*Tide to Go Stain Pen


A Few Other Tips

Don’t try to prepare for every possible situation. Remember this is a small bag you are trying to fill with emergency items. If you start playing out every scenario, you’ll be filling your glove box and car with too much extra clutter.

Clean out and restock the bag periodically. Your items will be used and need replacing. Some items might get old and need a refresh. Check your bag periodically, so you’re not caught off guard the next time you need an item unexpectedly.

Consider a bag for each car. If you have more than one car, consider making two of these kits. They’re not that expensive, but they do come in handy, so while assembling one bag, you might as well put together another.


What about you? Do you keep anything stocked in your glove box? What item do you always wish you had in your car? Leave your ideas below! I would love to hear from you!

Until next time,

Continue reading “What I Keep in the Cosmetic Bag in My Glove Box”

One Simple Thing You Can Do To Make This School Year Less Busy

It’s September, and the start of the school year can definitely be a hectic time for many people, and for some, it’s just the beginning of a whole long year of events and activities. Many parents start the school year thinking, “Maybe this year will be a little less busy!”. Some ask themselves, “How can we do things differently this year?”. Then the year begins, and somehow it’s like all the other years…it’s busy.

I want to share one simple thing you can do to make this school year a little less busy.


Are you ready? It’s simple.

If you want to be just a little less busy this school year, stop looking at everyone else!!

How often do we look at everyone else? All the time!

Now I think you might know what I mean by “looking at everyone else”. If not, let me explain. You see, we spend a lot of time looking at what other families are doing. We notice what they are involved in, how they spend their time, and how they fill their calendars. We chat with other moms, and we learn all about what is going on in their social life. We overhear the parents at the bus stop talking about all the extracurricular activities their children are involved in this school year. We scroll through Facebook and notice all the fun outings our friends and neighbors are taking each weekend. We’re looking at everyone else.

Yes, we’re looking at everyone else, and it’s making us busy. Why? We think we need to do what we see or hear everyone else doing.

But here’s a wonderful, freeing truth: You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. You’re not them, and they’re not you.

In order to be just a little less busy you need to consider your priorities, and use those to shape your families’ choices. We tend to let other people choose for us. We often make our decisions based on what we see others doing without much thought about what might be best for our situation and our family.

I find so much inspiration and encouragement from other moms and other families; I think that it is good to learn from others. I love chatting with other moms and finding out how they run their homes or how they tackle various problems (both big and small). I cherish the time I get to spend with my friends sharing stories and finding out about their family life.

Let’s learn from each other, let’s grow and be challenged, but let’s not mindlessly make certain choices for our family just because that’s what we see everyone else doing.

Almost everyone else around us looks busy…and they are. Perhaps you can choose another way. Maybe you and your family can pursue the full life (without all the busy).

full life

Take this school year and really look inside. Look inside your heart (considering your priorities and values). Look inside your home (considering the needs of you and your family). Stop looking at everyone else and just see if perhaps this school year can be a little less busy.

What about you? What are you doing this school year to make it less busy for you and your family? I would love to hear from you, so drop me a comment below!

Until next time,


My Five Favorites (September 2017)

I’m back with a Favorites post! It’s always fun to share some of the things that I have been enjoying recently!


(This post contains affiliate links, so thenotsobusymom receives a very small commission if you make a purchase through the links.)

  1. Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk

A friend of mine was reading Wolf Hollow and thought I might enjoy it. A few months later I was able to borrow the audiobook from my library, and I was hooked from the start! It’s a story about a 12 year old girl living in Pennsylvania (in post WWII times). It is a beautiful and bittersweet story about family, friendship, bullying, and overcoming difficult trials. I have listened to numerous audiobooks with my children and on my own, too, but I think this might be my favorite narration, yet. Read it, listen to it, whatever you choose, just grab Wolf Hollow soon!

2. Electric Tea Kettle

Many of you know that I am a tea drinker. (Sorry, Coffee.) I have had the same electric tea kettle for years and years, and a few months ago it finally boiled its last cup of water. I had been searching awhile for a replacement (even before my old one broke), and I was drawn to this one! I bought it about 2 months ago, and it is just right! I love the design, and it works so well!! This particular kettle comes in a variety of designs that would appeal to a variety of style preferences.

3. Audible

Audible is an audiobook subscription service through Amazon. I recently decided to give it a try with their 30 day free trial . I was able to finish listening to Wolf Hollow (after returning my library copy), and then I picked The Magnolia Story as my next audiobook. The story of Chip and Joanna Gaines (narrated by them) proved to be an entertaining choice!

4. Her View from Home

Her View from Home is a website that features encouraging, inspiring, and thought-provoking articles about marriage, motherhood, life inside the home, life outside the home, and so much more! Hundreds of women write for Her View, so the perspectives and insights are endless. I even had an article published on the site back in April. Check out the site and follow along on Facebook or Instagram!

5. Crockpot White Bean Chicken Chili

I am actually making this crockpot recipe today! I’m a big crockpot fan, and I’m a big chili fan! I have made this chicken chili from Dashing Dish many times, and it’s quite tasty! I’m looking forward to enjoying it later today!!

Those are my 5 favorites for the month of September! I am looking forward to sharing more favorites next month!

What about you? What is one of your favorites this month? I would love to hear from you, so leave a comment below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “My Five Favorites (September 2017)”

Fashion Find: Fall Kimonos & Ponchos for 40% Off

My favorite season for clothing is definitely fall, and I am very excited about the newest fall options available at Cents of Style!


(This post contains affiliate links, so thenotsobusymom receives a very small commission if you make a purchase through the links.)

Cents of Style has fall kimonos and ponchos available for 40% off the lowest marked price! This means prices begin at $10 and everything is under $25!!




Use code FALLWRAP to get 40% off the lowest marked price + free shipping!


I am a big fan of Cents of Style and own a couple of great items from them! I am looking forward to adding one of these fall pieces to my wardrobe!

What about you? What is catching your eye??

Until next time,

Shop the Back to School Collection at Gymboree!!


This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. I was compensated for this post.

My kids go back to school in a little less than a month. I know some of you are in that same place. There are also some of you who have just sent your kids back to school, and some who will be doing so in the next couple weeks.

It’s that time of the year for all of us, and I know that I am beginning to think about what I need to buy for my 3 kids before they head back to school at the beginning of September. I have a list of school supplies to buy, but now I have to determine clothing needs.

Gymboree Sale On Now!

I determine my 3 children’s clothing needs by:

  • taking inventory of their current closet
  • removing items they have outgrown
  • making a list of needed items
  • shopping at stores for great deals on the items they need

Online shopping is one of my favorite ways to save time and money, and right now Gymboree has plenty of cute options for school-age children!

On my “to buy” list?

  • leggings for both my girls
  • a few casual dresses for my 10 year old
  • boys’ pants for my 8 year old
  • socks
  • shoes
  • first day of school outfits (x3)

I can begin searching for all of this and more at Gymboree!! I’m also super excited about free shipping that is going on for a limited time! That’s always an added bonus in my world!!

What about you? What are you looking for as the “back to school” season begins??

Until next time,