5 Ways to Encourage a Friend



Is there a friend in your life who could use a little (or a lot) of encouragement? Life is full of ups and downs, highs and lows. Sometimes it’s easy to be a friend through the ups and the highs, but we might struggle to reach out through the downs and the lows. Do you have a friend who is hurting? grieving? struggling? Maybe you have a friend who is overwhelmed with a toddler and a new baby. Perhaps you have a friend who is discouraged by a recent setback. Whatever the circumstance, find a way to encourage your friend. Need an idea or two?

Today I am sharing 5 ways to encourage a friend.

Text (or call).

I’m sure you know your friend well enough to know if a text or a call is most convenient for them. A friend with many young children probably appreciates a text message. A single friend who just had surgery might prefer a call. Whether you choose to text or call doesn’t really matter. Taking the time to send a message of encouragement is what’s really important. Text them a joke. Write out a prayer. Call and be a listening ear. The moment you feel prompted to send a text or make a call, do it. Your friend (and you) will be happy you did!

Send a note.

I know, I know, a note??  Isn’t that so much work and didn’t I just say you could call or text. Yes, a text or a call are great options. A note or letter is the unexpected choice. How fun to receive mail that isn’t a bill or an advertisement! Run to your nearest Dollar Tree and buy a pack of beautiful note cards for (suprise!) a dollar and send your friend a word of encouragement. Notes and letters don’t have to be a thing of the past. Encourage a friend this week with a simple but meaningful note.

Make a meal.

Making dinner tonight? Why not make a double batch and drop the extras at your friend’s home? The meal does not have to be extravagant or expensive. Keep it simple. You might even choose to order a pizza or some other take-out option. If making a meal doesn’t work, consider baking cookies or muffins. Bringing a food item or meal to a friend lets them know you are thinking of them in a very practical way.

Give a gift.

A small gift given at a time other than a birthday or celebration is a great way to encourage a friend. A small plant, a favorite magazine, a fragrant candle or  even a cup of coffee from the local cafe are just a few simple gift ideas. If a friend is sick with a cold you could put together a little “get well” basket with items like tissues, cough drops and chapstick. A small, thoughtful gift can quickly brighten the day!


Encourage a friend with time, specifically your time. You might be tempted to say, “I’m just too busy!”, but I won’t allow you to say that. Just kidding! You can say that, but I would encourage you to make space in your day and week for a friend. Giving of our time and energy is a sacrifice, but it’s a beautiful act of love. Make time for a friend this week, and see what it does for her (and you).

I hope that something on this list inspires you to be an encouraging friend. It’s something I want to work on in my own life. I want to be an encourager. I want to push aside the busy and see my friends, be there for my friends, encourage my friends. Let’s all make a little time to encourage a friend today!

What about you? How do you encourage your friends? How have you been encouraged?

Until next time,


My Top 4 Reads of 2016


Did you find time to read in 2016? I hope you made time for a good book or 2 or 20 this year! Reading is a great way to slow down and recharge. I tend to read a mixture of non-fiction and fiction, and so I wanted to share my top 4 reads of 2016, 2 non-fiction and 2 fiction.


Breaking Busy by Ali Worthington. This title jumped out at me right away when I heard Crystal Paine aka Money Saving Mom recommend it. I was so excited to find and read a book that spoke to so much of what I have been thinking about (for such a long time) and now writing about here on my blog. The tag line for the book is: “How to Find Peace and Purpose in a World of Crazy”, and Worthington does a beautiful job of encouraging and inspiring as she shares her own journey of breaking busy. Even as I type this review I am thinking I will be reading this book again in 2017.

The More of Less by Joshua Becker. I first heard about Joshua Becker while listening to an interview with him on The Simple Show podcast. I was intrigued by his story and ideas and soon after borrowed his book from a friend. Becker writes at becomingminimalist.com and in this book he shares his family’s journey to minimalism and ways that all of us can get more out of life by having less. Like Breaking Busy, The More of Less is really about intentional living, so it appealed to me right away.


Dear Mr. Knightly by Katherine Reay. This was another recommendation from Money Saving Mom. (Crystal Paine is often my go-to for book suggestions.) I love a good story that quickly draws me in and has a likeable main character. Dear Mr. Knightly is just this kind of story! I liked this story so much I read another, Lizzy and Jane, by the author soon after finishing Dear Mr. Knightly. I am already planning to read more from Reay in 2017.


Amy Snow by Tracy Rees. This book was a recommendation from Jennifer L. Scott of The Daily Connoisseur. She explained the plot as a treasure hunt, of sorts, and I was intrigued by her description of and excitement about the story. The book is a lengthy 576 pages, but I thoroughly enjoyed every one of these pages as I followed Amy Snow’s journey across Victorian England.


What about you? Do you enjoy non-fiction or fiction? What were some of your top reads in 2016?

Until next time,


(This post contains affiliate links, so thenotsobusymom receives a very small commission if you make a purchase through these links.)



7 Reasons to Shop thredUP



Are you looking to make your life not so busy by shopping online instead of in store? Today I want to share with you one of my favorite online clothing store options, thredUP. If you love thredUP like I do then you know why it’s a great shopping experience, but if you’ve never tried thredUP or even heard of it until now, let me share with you 7 reasons you should shop thredUP.

1. It’s convenient.

Like all online stores you can shop for your thredUP purchases while in your super comfy pajamas on your extra comfy couch. You can shop day or night. You can shop while watching your favorite show or listening to a podcast. Yes, it’s convenient.

2. They sell like-new, gently used clothing.

I love the idea of passing along clothing that is still in good condition to other people. I do it in my own personal life, sharing items my children and I no longer need or want with friends or family. The same idea is played out on thredUP but on a much grander scale. Yes, buying new is always an option, but I prefer considering like-new, gently used first.

3. They sell thousands of brands for a variety prices.

With over 25,000 brands you are bound to always find something you love. I know that I have tended to mostly stick with the brands I love, but I also have been adventurous and tried brands that I have never even heard of before browsing thredUP. There is a wide range of prices because of the wide variety of brands, but I just tend to stick to prices $15 and under.

4. You can earn credit for future purchases.

If you share your thredUP referral link and someone purchases through that link you get $10 and so do they! Share with 5 people and if those 5 people make purchases you get $50, and they each get $10. It’s a win-win situation, and I almost always shop thredUP using earned credit.

5. You can find items for you and your children.

I love that thredUP has items for women (sizes XXS to 5X & maternity), juniors and for children. It’s so nice to be able to shop second hand for your kids as well as for your own wardrobe.

6. You can purchase shoes, handbags and accessories.

I love being able to purchase clothing second hand, and I also appreciate the option to buy like-new shoes, handbags and accessories. The variety of options in these categories is endless. ThredUP sells everything from boots to sandals, diaper bags to wallets, and sunglasses to watches.

7. You can clean out your closet with no hassle.

Not only can you purchase items from thredUP, you can also sell items on the site. (And thredUP does the hard work for you.) Simply order a free clean out kit, and thredUP will send you a large bag to fill with your gently used items. I have ordered 3 bags over the course of the past 3 years. You earn credit when your clothing sells. Check out their payout estimator to see just how much you might receive for any given item.

Shopping thredUP has been so practical and fun for so many reasons. Have I piqued your curiosity yet? Let’s take a look at my most recent order!

My most recent thredUP order


Last week I received my 17th order from thredUP. I ordered 3 items: 1 shirt and 2 dresses. All 3 fit me and are in excellent condition.

Raspberry Gabby Skye dress  retail: $60.00  thredUP: $15.99

Sequined Old Navy top  retail: $25.00 thredUP: $7.99

Navy & white LL Bean dress  retail: $60.00 thredUP: $14.99

I was once again super happy with what I received in my polka dot box. ThredUP continues to be a great online buying option for me!

Interested in making your first purchase from thredUP? Click on my link for a $10 credit and try out a new shopping experience! http://www.thredup.com/r/SPNFUN

What about you? Do you shop second hand? Have you ever shopped thredUP?

Until next time,



Make It Work

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I just returned from a quick 1 mile walk with my 3 year old who sat nicely in her stroller. This is my second walk of the day. My first happened earlier this morning without my 3 year old (while my husband was home). Later this evening I hope to walk while I push my 3 year old in the stroller and my two older children ride their bikes. This is called “making it work”.

I would be very happy to walk 3 miles by myself in the morning while my older two are at school and my husband is home with the 3 year old. Right now, though, this is not the best option. I don’t want to spend a lot of the extra time I might have with my husband choosing to exercise alone. Also, my 3 year old is just now tolerating the stroller after about an 18 month stretch of pretty much refusing to ride calmly. These and a couple other smaller reasons keep me from taking that daily 3 mile walk in one stretch. 3 shorter walks is not my ideal, but I am making it work.

3 walks a day does have its benefits. It is nice to get out and move 3 different times a day. I do enjoy walking alone. I also enjoy the extra calorie burn that pushing a stroller provides. I treasure the time I get to spend with my two older children during our post-dinner walks.

There are so many areas in our lives where we just might have to “make it work”. Perhaps you are hoping to get more sleep each night, but your new baby is making that difficult. Make it work by going to bed a little earlier than normal or taking a 20 minute afternoon power nap. Maybe you want to read more books this month but can’t seem to find the time to sit down. Consider borrowing audio books from the library and listening while cleaning or driving to work. Perhaps you want to have a “clean the whole house day”, but your 4 young ones make a cleaning day impossible.  Instead, choose a room a day to clean; or maybe just set the timer for 20 minutes each day and do what you can. Make it work! Don’t become discouraged by your inability to accomplish these things as thoroughly or completely as desired. Sometimes you just have to make it work!

What about you? How are you “making it work”?

Until next time,


5 Reasons to “Write it Down”!

I have lists in various places around my home. My to-do list hangs on the front of my fridge. My meal plan hangs on the side of it. I have notebooks and journals filled with lists and ideas. I have a wide variety of lists in the “notes app” on my phone. Where would I be without my lists and my notes?  LOST!


I am a big fan of “writing it down” and here is why….

1) I need to remember. I can’t trust my memory. I am really good at remembering names. (I think that’s the teacher in me.) Remembering  details is not a strength of mine. Remembering that “thing” I was thinking about 5 minutes ago that I was hoping not to forget and looking to accomplish tomorrow…. well, that is definitely a weakness. My solution? Write it down!! I write down appointments the moment I make them. I write down books I am hoping to read. I write down names of people I need to call. I write down prayer requests. I write down goals I hope to achieve. All these things are written down in the name of “remembering”!

2) I need to stay organized. I have a husband, 3 children, household responsibilities, a part-time seasonal job, ministry activities, and ordinary life events. I need to stay organized. Writing things down helps me stay organized. I plot out my week on my calendar. I put my to-dos on here as well. I keep track of what I need to do, should do, and want to do.


3) I need to be held accountable. I find that if I write something down I am more likely to accomplish it. Accountability partners are a great way to follow through on that which you hope to do.  My lists become a sort of accountability partner. Most recently I have been writing down my exercise “to dos” for the day. If I write “go for a run” or “arms”, I am more likely to do these exercises on that given day.

4) I need to be motivated. I am a stay-at-home mom. Referring to my lists keeps me motivated and helps me stay on track as I look at the day before me. I don’t want to be running around as crazy as crazy can be, but I also don’t want to waste moments and hours and days. Writing things down motivates me and helps me keep a healthy balance between those two extremes.

5)  I need peace of mind. If am wishing to keep every thought, idea, hope, and dream in my head throughout the course of a day or a week, well, we know that is just not going to happen. I never like that feeling of, “Who did I want to call?” or “What was I thinking I should buy for my daughter’s birthday?” That kind of mindset distracts, interrupts, and creates anxiety in my day to day life. Writing things down brings peace of mind as I unload my thoughts, ideas, hopes, and dreams onto paper. I can have a clear and calm mind knowing I don’t have to mentally hold onto it all.

Perhaps you find that you are forgetting things that you so desperately were hoping to remember. Maybe you need some organization in your sometimes frazzled life. Maybe you’re needing accountability or motivation. Peace of mind might be your strong desire. If you’re seeking any of these things consider the practice of “writing it down”; you may just find it a help!

How about you? Do you “write it down”? What types of things do you write down throughout the week? Share with me in the comments!

Until next time,


Continue reading “5 Reasons to “Write it Down”!”

End the day well


Sometimes I get to the end of the day, and I am disappointed. I am disappointed in my children’s lack of obedience. I am disappointed in the condition of my home. (Could the laundry pile be any taller??) I am disappointed in the thoughts that went through my head and the words that came out of my mouth. Some days are really ugly. Some days are just sort of alright. Some days are like something out of a feel-good fiction book. The reality is life is full of ups and downs, and each day is different.

I pray and strive for days that are productive and peaceful and full of lots of smiles, but that certainly can’t be (and isn’t) the reality. There is one thing, though, that I try to do no matter the kind of day we’ve had and especially when the day hasn’t gone particularly well. My goal at the close of each day is to end it well.

What does ending a day well look like? It looks like tucking my children into bed and giving them extra squeezes. It looks like speaking words of praise and love to them. It looks like singing a song. It looks like praying and confessing to God and to my children the ways I messed up. It looks like a deep conversation about sacrificial love. It looks like a silly joke that makes them giggle.

In those last few moments after our normal bedtime routine (which may or may not have gone well), I move past all the yuck and hard things of the day and end it well.

What about you? What does “ending the day well” look like for you?

Until next time,
